What if I do not remember my username?
If you have forgotten your online banking username:
- On the Delta Community login page, select the Forgot Username or Password?link.
- On the page titled "Forgotten Password", do NOT type anything in the member number box and just select the I have a username link in blue.
- On the page titled "Can’t access your account?", do NOT type anything in the phone number or username box and just select the I forgot my username link in blue.
- On the page titled "Forgot your Username?", type in the email address you have on file with us and select Send.
- You will receive an email containing your username.
- If you don’t see the email, check your spam or junk mail folder or reenter your email address.
What if I do not remember my password?
If you have forgotten your online banking password:
- On the Delta Community login page, click the Forgot Username or Password?link.
- On the page titled “Forgotten Password”, do not type anything in the member number box and just click the I have a username link in blue.
- On the page titled “Can’t access your account?”, enter the security phone number you already have on file, then enter your online banking username, and click Send me a new password.
- An eight-character temporary password consisting of lowercase letters and numbers will be sent via a phone call or text message. If previously enabled in online banking, you can receive the temporary password via text message. If you receive the temporary password via a phone call, write it down before you disconnect the phone call as you will need it for several of the following steps.
- On the page titled “We just sent you at temporary password”, type in the eight-character temporary password you received and click Confirm.
- On the page titled “Success! You need to change your password”, in the box labeled Temporary Password, type in the temporary password you received. In the box labeled New Password, type in what you want your online banking password to be going forward.
- Password requirements:
- Must be at least eight characters long
- Must contain at least one of each of the following characters: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, special character
- Allowed special characters are ! @ # $ % ^ & * + - _ = ( ) { } : ; ` , . / ?
- Cannot contain any whitespace
- Cannot contain your member number or online banking username
- In the box labeled Retype Password, type in the same password you typed in the New Password box, then click Change Password to complete the process.